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  • Foto del escritorMireia Sanz

Profile of the European Vegan Tourist

Actualizado: 2 ago 2019

As a part of my Final Degree Project, I wanted to profile European Vegan Tourists. I wish I could have done it 'worldwide', but I had to focus only on Europe to meet the deadline.


Online surveys were distributed thorough Social Media, and they were aimed mostly to vegans, but also to vegetarians. I posted an online link to the main ‘Vegan Groups’ of each European Country studied in my project: “Vegans in Barcelona”, “London Vegans”, “Berlin Vegans”, “Dublin Vegans”, “Amsterdam Vegans”, “The Paris Vegan Group”, “Vegetarianer och Veganer i Sverige” (Sweden) and “Italia Vegana”.

All of them together had 88.800 members, and if there is a need for a sample of a 0’23%, that would mean the need of 204 survey answers for it to be totally representative of those groups. There were a total of 421 answers during December 2017 and January 2018. Here is a graphic summary of its highlights:

I hope you find it interesting/useful, but bare in mind that this is a Final Project, I am in no way an expert. You can find all the survey results in the following link, as well as the rest of the project.

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